I’ve known Sherry for 21 years. How we met is a bit of a crazy story — I had just finished up working on the Clinton/Gore Campaign in 1992 and had the opportunity to move to DC for a job after the campaign ended. I got the call on a Thursday and I was told I needed to be there to start work the following Monday. I had nowhere to live, very little money, and knew no one in the city aside from my boss from the campaign. But a friend from high school (Thanks Jeff Bellows!) had gone to Boston College with Sherry and was SURE we’d hit it off. So he arranged not only for her to pick me up at the airport, but she let me crash on her futon in her ONE ROOM apartment in Georgetown until I found a place to live (only a few days, but still… I was a total stranger!)
We became fast friends — zipping around DC in her VW Cabriolet (I had a poop brown honda Accord so we rarely zoomed anywhere in that) and after that was stolen, in her somehwat unreliable red convertable Alfa Romeo, which might or might not start on any given day. Eventually we were room-mates in a 9 foot wide Georgetown brownstone and have plenty of tales to tell from those days!
Fast forward to today and she’s got a beautiful family and two sweet, polite, fun kids who I just adore. Ellie and I took a little weekend in DC last Fall and I managed to squeeze in a family session for them while I was there. These were all shot in the beautiful Bishop’s Garden of the Washington National Cathedral — one of my favorite spots in DC.