A Thank You.

My thirteen year old thinks a lot about what she’s going to do for work when she grows up. But when I give her advice about the future, I tell her to follow her heart and find something that she loves to do, and if she can find a way support herself doing that, then she will be very lucky indeed. I know this, because I am one of those people who loves my work, and it makes me happy.

Yes, this job can be hard– I am a one woman show — not only do I take photographs, but I am an accountant, an IT person, a graphic designer, marketing coordinator, a fashion consultant (ok, that’s somewhat hard to believe…), a location scout, and a shipping department (among other things!) all rolled into one. But honestly, I love it. I leave every session or event with a smile on my face (I swear, it’s true!).

I smile because photographing a family or an event is a celebration of life itself. I love that you, my clients, realize that photographs are important (whether they are taken by me or with your phone!). And I love that you all have lives and people in them that you appreciate and want to celebrate and document. Just a few minutes watching the news, and it’s clear that we live in a crazy world, but looking back at the families I’ve met and worked with, I know that there is a lot of good and happiness around us too.

2014 has flown by, but it has been fun and full of sweet newborn babies, adorable toddlers, playful kiddos, happy families, high school seniors, weddings, birthday celebrations, a school musical, a graduation ceremony, and even a chance to photograph Wally and the Mayor of Boston. I want to thank each and every one of you for being part of my year and allowing me to do what I love. I hope to see many of you again in the future and wish you all a wonderful holiday and New Year.

And here are some highlights of 2014!

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the VERY




Based in Andover and available

North and West of Boston.

LONDON - PARISBoston Family Photographer


LONDON - PARISBoston Family Photographer