Summer Family Session

I leave every session with a smile on my face (I swear — it’s true!). But sometimes there are those sessions were I’m having so much fun I literally don’t want it to end. This was one of those times when I felt like everything came together. Not only did we get a perfect summer evening (sunny and not too hot), a location at its prime — Stevens Coolidge Place (the hay bales were in the fields and the fuzzy, oreo cookie cows were out of the barn), but this family was so easy to work with and fun that I left feeling like I’d just spent two hours hanging out with old friends. And just look at these beautiful sisters — so full of personality and fun.

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This one cracks me up.

Boston Familiy Photographer_0029After we got those portraits out of the way, we loosened things up a bit with a run around the apple orchard.

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And some sisterly laughs.
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A piggy back ride of course.
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And then, these two decided to climb a tree (with mom & dad’s permission). And one of them might have gotten stuck!
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Hay bales make a great spot for portraits too.
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Cristen Farrell is a family and child portrait and lifestyle photographer serving the Andover and Merrimack Valley area as well as Boston and its surrounding suburbs. Please get in touch if you would like to schedule a session, don’t forget to visit Cristen Farrell Photography on Facebook and like my page to see new work and be among the first to learn about special promotions. You can also follow my Instagram feed as well.

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Based in Andover and available

North and West of Boston.

LONDON - PARISBoston Family Photographer


LONDON - PARISBoston Family Photographer