This lovely family reached out to me, as they were looking for a York Maine Photographer to do a beach session while they were on vacation last summer. We chose Short Sands Beach, as it was close to their hotel, and wouldn’t involve too much trekking around with their little ones. We started in a little spot set off to the side of the beach, with a great little view of the shore and the houses in the distance.

Could these two be ANY cuter?

Little hands. ????

This session took place last summer just a couple of weeks before Grace left for college, and she assisted me at the session. So it was hard to not feel a little sense of nostalgia as I photographed these sweet little girls with their family. I especially love these photos of mom with her little girls and I hope they are images that will be treasured for a long time.

I can not, with the cuteness. And those blue eyes!

While we were at our first spot, we were hoping the crowds would clear off the beach a bit (in the summer they can hang out pretty late at Short Sands). Truth be told… I had to Photoshop a bunch of people out of the image below. But you know what, I see that as an important skill to look for in a photographer, so I like to make sure my clients know I have these little tricks up my sleeve! Who wants strangers on beach towels in their photos?

Once I knew we had all the important “portrait” shots of the family and kids, it was time for everyone to relax and just have a little fun together. So we moved down the beach to this grassy area for a little Ring-Around-The-Rosy.

And little kids LOVE pretending they are airplanes when they have room to run.

Ahh she was so cute. She was really shy at first, but then became very curious about my camera.

I love the relaxed images you get once the “posed” photos have been checked off the list.

As you might be able to tell from all the running, I got a good workout at this session (which is not unusual!).

Forgot to mention that Grandma & Grandpa were also in town and hopped into a few photos as well!

York Beach is a great place for family photos. If you are going to be up that way, or even if you aren’t vacationing there, it is not too far from the Merrimack Valley. I have a couple of other spots in the York Area, including Nubble Light, that I love to do sessions, so get in touch if you are interested! If you really want to do a beach session in York, I highly recommend shoulder season such as May, early June, or September to avoid crowds, but if you will be there during the high season, I definitely recommend a weekday. I’ll be blogging another session in a few weeks, thats took place in another really beautiful spot that is a little more quiet than one of the well-known beaches, so stay tuned!

Of course I couldn’t resist including a couple of photos of the Goldenrod, the Fun-o-Rama, and their hotel in their gallery too. I always feel like a few photos of the location are great to have for an album of your session.

Cristen Farrell is York Maine Family Photographer. She is based in Andover, MA, but frequently does sessions in York Beach and York Harbor, and the surrounding area. Cristen also works in Andover, North Andover, Boston, Reading, Wellesley, Winchester, Boston, and the entire area north and west of Boston. Cristen specializes in families, babies, and seniors. If you are looking for a York Maine Photographer, please get in touch today!